Join ASES Community
February 16, 2021
American Solar Energy Society is launching our brand new online community platform. With this online community, we will have the opportunity to explore, connect, and engage with other members, chapters, division leaders, and staff in an interactive community space. Meanwhile, join the ASES Student Chapter at Penn State if you are interested in being involved in solar energy and renewables, for materials, buildings, and other applications.

Seek Postdoc Researcher
January 10, 2021
We seek to fill a postdoctoral research position in sustainable building envelope materials and engineering. This position will focus on applying new materials to building envelopes for renewable energy utilization (e.g., solar irradiation, wind, temperature changes) by using numerical modeling and programming techniques and lab hands-on experimental testing. Details can be found here.

New Members
December 31, 2020
We are having several new facings in our lab this Spring semester, including Neda Ghaeili (Doctoral student), Jiaxin Yu (Master student), and Andrew Sammond (Undergraduate student).

USDA CIG Award Release
April 20, 2020
A research project ($299,177 by USDA and $299,538 matching fund for three years) is supported by the Conservation Innovation Grants program of the United States Department of Agriculture. The project will be focusing on the application of spectrally selective materials in greenhouses for operational energy savings, collaboratively working with an expert in Agriculture and Plant Science, Dr. Robert Berghage.

IEE Seed Award
April 1, 2020
The lab project “Building Energy Savings by Tuning Indoor Lighting” is selected for funding by the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) Seed Grant Program of Penn State University. We will be working with Dr. Anne-Marie Chang in Biobehavioral Health and Nursing and Dr. Javad Khazaei in Electrical Engineering for this interdisciplinary project.

Duan Receives an Award
from SWE
February 25, 2020
Qiuhua Duan's research work about "Thermal performance and condensation risk of single-pane glazing with low emissivity coatings" received the 3rd place winner of the Graduate Collegiate Competition of the Society of Women Engineers. Qiuhua and Yanxiao were invited to present their research poster at the WE Local Raleigh conference held by the SWE.

NSF CAREER Project Continues
February 1, 2020
We have started the NSF CAREER research project ($500,000 for five years), awarded in Oct. 2019. The long term research goal of this project is to produce dynamic windows that adapt to climate conditions and spectrally respond to the solar irradiance in real-time.
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ASLA Professional Award Release
December 15, 2019
The landscape project - Yellowhorn Farm Park: Battling The Threat of Desertification receives 2019 ASLA Professional Award. Dr. Wang is part of the project team as a Sustainable Technology Consultant.
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Vijay Defended His Thesis
December 1, 2019
Vijay developed a new framework about the easy automatic data extraction and processing process of BIM models, which can be used as a bridge connecting BIM and VR for interactive design visualization and public safety purposes.

New Graduate Course
November 10, 2019
A new graduate course, named Window Performance - Heat and Light, will be taught in Spring 2020. Passive solar design, solar models, window models, radiometry to photometry, and a comprehensive window design project will be covered in this course.

New Lab Member
November 1, 2016
Dr. Lucas Zhao joins the PSU AE and our ArchiLambda Lab as a Postdoctoral Fellow. He has earned his doctoral degree in Material Science and Engineering at the University of Cincinnati. He will bring his expertise in nanoscale materials and structures to explore some new incorporations in the Architectural Engineering field.

TAD Issue 3:2 Published
October 25, 2019
Dr. Wang, as an Issue Editor, handled Issue 3:2 of Technology, Architecture, and Design, which is published now by Taylor and Francis.
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New PhD Student
August 31, 2019
Nan Wang joins the PSU AE doctoral program and our ArchiLambda Lab in 2019 Fall. Her research focus will be on the interactions of indoor thermal and visual quantities.